FOOD: McDonald’s Comfort Food

Author: Gloria Chik

FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods

I grew up in the suburbs. There, I said it. With that, came a healthy relationship with McDonald’s – I felt it was my source of comfort when on my way to a long commute, road trip, or a way to enjoy a quick bite with friends when in a pinch for time. And don’t get me started about the later times (24 hour drive throughs are heaven sent).

In anticipation of the holidays (well, really it was an excuse to gather), three of us strolled over to my local (now downtown) McDonald’s to pick up our absolute favourites. Luckily, no one in line behind us seemed to mind as we listlessly ordered over 15 items amongst our group. No shame.

Our Epic McDonald’s Comfort Food Spread Consisted of…

Nuggets on Nuggets: Absolutely no shame in the game when it comes to getting 40 nuggets with all of the dipping sauces. Think of it as a progressive form of a potluck with your friends. They’re shareable, interesting, and will disappear faster than you think. Psst – now with no artificial preservatives, flavours or colours and made with 100% white meat chicken. Yo.

FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods

Big Mac’s are always classics…but when your friend decides to make it a double you can’t help but watch in awe as it gets devoured. That’s a lot of 100% Pure Canadian Beef (something to be proud of – trust me, it’s not the same other places in the world). 🍔

FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods

Fish and Chips…sort of. A Filet-O-Fish® is absolutely a staple. Being that it was Caroline’s first time trying it, we picked up several to munch on amongst all of us. Complete with some well salted fries and hearty ketchup, and you have a pretty modern take on an English favourite

FOOD: McDonalds Comfort Foods

What’s your McDonald’s Comfort Food? Let’s eat.